At least officially, I have finished my first year MSc Integrated Resource Management (MIRM). Today was the big exam. Big meaning 3hours fifteen minutes, covering all the stuff we did during the second semester. Subjects ranged from co-management techniques in the Himalayan or Uluru National Parks, to International Treaties, to biodiversity conservation and stakeholder involvement.
hafna x naghmel! (lots of things to do) as we say here in Malta.
So why officially? Well I still have a couple of assignments to finish off by mid-June. In the meantime I must also start thinking seriously about my thesis. I must admit that I do not have any clue!! And I must do some serious work on it, since this will be a major piece of work that will occupy most of my
free time during the coming year.
But till I start thinking and going back to pre-MIRM life (work and play), I shall enjoy this weekend. Let's get wasted! ;-)