Sunday, 17 September 2006

How can you still ignore climate change???

I have just an article on The Guardian regarding climate change. Oh no! Not again! Well yes, actually this week I have read quite some things about it, new and worrying discovers. The lateset one I read today, regarded the melting of ice in Siberia and the resultant release of methane and carbon dioxide which are 'stored' beneth the Siberian permafrost. Methane is also a greenhouse gas but is calculated to be 23 times more affecting at trapping heat than carbon dioxide. And the article goes on....

But what worried me most is the following paragraph:

The news of the danger posed by rising methane levels comes after a week in which scientists outlined a series of disturbing developments in climate research. These disclosures included news that nearly every wild animal in Britain has extended its range northwards as the country heats up; ice cores from the Antarctic have revealed that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are rising at an unprecedented rate; and analysis suggesting that the world has less than a decade in which to halt global warming before it reaches a point of no return.


Heard that? It said less than a decade. OK it is a suggestion but with all this going on, I do not think we may be far off than that! A decade... I will be 33, hopefully with a kid or two... living in a planet called Earth which is experiencing a totally new life. Yes a new LIFE. Never before has such a large amount of GHG been in the atmosphere, and its consequences are already being felt and seen.

A point of no return... I have that phrase, bring to my mind the image of somebody throwing himself off a step into the void, a giant stride and he's off....NO RETURN.

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