Saturday, 27 January 2007

IPCC Report out soon

The 2007 IPCC report will be out on the 2nd of February, EXACTLY on my exam day. Considering that the report is relevant to my studies, since climate change cannot be avoided when discussing environmental matters, I think it saved me some extra reading for the exam.

I am sure it will be a good read, for all of those interested in climate change. The report will cover a review of over 2500 scientific articles submitted in the past year. Leaks of the report said that the report will emphasise the role of humans on climate change, saying that there is a 90 per cent probability that climate change is induced by humans and not by natural factors. How about that! And to think that people still deny all of this.

The Report to be issued next Friday is one of a three report document which the IPCC is published. The other two reports will be published later on in the year.

As for action? Well The Guardian aptly said: 'If 2006 was the year the world accepted climate change as a serious problem, then 2007 is the year that its leaders must do something about it.'
Rightly so!

And yet, although the saying says 'prevention is better than cure' and that is applicable is any situation, the American Government has suggested that money be spent on R&D to develop systems (such as solar mirrors and smoke :-S) to reduce insolation (incoming solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface), as an insurance to halt global warming. It made me laugh! It is like playing with nuclear toys because you have nuclear bunker hidden somewhere as an 'insurance'. Of course, I mean, why would the worlds most polluting country even think of reducing its greenhouse gas output? Petro-dollars would be more than happy if they were directed towards some R&D that guarantees their continuous burning up till the last cent or drop, than any preventive measure to reduce or replace their consumption.

Politics: stinks more than the Wied Ghammieq outfall!!

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