Friday, 12 October 2007

Peace Nobel Prize to Climate Change Warriors

Mr Gore may be a warrior. He was a US presidential hopeful in 2000, losing to Bush. Then he became a convert, an environmental convert. If parallel worlds do exist, I would have loved to see Gore as US president to see whether he would have been nickname "The Green President". Anyway, well done to him for winning the Nobel Price for his constant march in increasing public awareness on climate change.

This Nobel prize was shared with the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). This Panel consists of a huge number of scientists that constantly review other scientists report and publish several reports on their collective effors. This panel has increasing shown (since 1988) that climate change and human activities are significantly correlated.

So why peace? Well climate change can have significant implications for world peace mainly because of resource conflict and migration. Climate change is expected to alter the weather patterns, bringing heavy rains or drought, higher/lower temperatures etc. These have implications on low-lying territories, dry territories (think Africa) and a host of civilisations that live at the borders of livelihood.

Wake up (once again)!

The Guardian

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