The 40-day plan lists simple energy-saving actions that can lead towards a lighter carbon footprint, including snubbing plastic bags, giving the dishwasher a day off, insulating the hot-water tank and checking the house for drafts.
Participants are asked to begin the carbon fast by removing one light bulb from a prominent place in the home and live without it for 40 days, as a constant visual reminder during Lent of the need to cut energy. On the final day of the fast, people are encouraged to replace the missing bulb with an energy-saving bulb."
The article on The Guardian also gives the 40-day plan. Some of the items are pretty simple, others require some investment. Whatever it is, you do not have to be a Church of England follower, or a Christian at all. What is good for the environment is good for Christians, Muslims and Buddhists alike.
Just read and follow.
Please note that the 'carbon fasting' must be carried out through the other 325(6) days of the year, of course.
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