Saturday, 1 March 2008

As usual, money goes to the wrong priorities

The US Air Force has just announced that it awarded a multi-billion dollar contract to a company called Northrop Grumman to replace its aging air refuelling tankers. The deal is first to replace 179 tankers and eventually the whole 500 of them.

The cost?

$40 billion dollars for replacing 179 expanding to over $100 billion dollars for the whole fleet.

Also, the US military has recently awarded the largest ever contract in history for a $200 billion Future Combat System programme.

The Pentagon is furthermore expected to award a contract of over $200 billion to the future F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program.

And then they accuse Iran, Russia and all the guys on the 'Axis of Evil' of rearmament. What is that they are spending the money for?

AND THEN the US finds it hard to sign an international treaty to curb CO2 emissions because it will hurt its economy BUT, it is ready to pay those billions of taypayer dollars to enhance its military fleet. Not to mention of the poor of course. This my friend, is the real unjust world.

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