Saturday, 27 March 2010

I am ...

... 27 years old today, being born on the 27th of March 1983 at Karen Grech Hospital, Malta.

Yes, it is my lucky birthday.

Did I every have any plans for this day? Well, you know, when you are a teen, you make a few plans or rather have a few dreams.  I said that at 27, I'd probably be old enough to be married, and maybe have a kid or two.  Wishful thinking.

I am not at that stage, but let's say, I am getting close.

First step: looking for a home for Baanisuu and myself.


Unknown said...

happy Birthday FUBU!!! :) wish you all the best.

born_to_try said...

almost there Baksu ;)

hasnain said...

some nice note, diary about your life , thats great

Unknown said...

Happy birthday..
It was thought provoking article