Tuesday, 5 September 2006

What the steam is STEAM?

Steam is a gentlemen's club. First thoughts?

I had the opportunity to see what its like, what goes on in there last Friday. Last Friday, some friends of mine went to a bachelor's party, you know the last night out for soon-to-be-married guys.

Apart a good meal, our Bachelor, whom we dressed in a nappy with a huge dummy was totally annihalated with fresh cream in front of Havana, one of Malta's most popular nightclubs. Imagine the crowd....

After going to 7 Rooms and drinking an awful lot of vodka red bull, we went off to this Steammy thing.

Ok, so to enter you need to pay but we were special guests. The club itself is an 80s style place, with revolving globes and flashy lights, comfy sofas, lots of poles and the 'action section'. All over the place were foreign ladies, hardly dressed, talking to men looking for business.

The business was: OK you pay me Lm 5 min, and I lap pole dance in front of you, or lap dance with you 'privately' in the other section of the club. Oh and by the way, it is Lm 5 per song.

Now some maths, commercial song is on average 3 to 4 minutes long....WOW now that is some rate. Anyway, it seems that business is done with this rate since the girls are coming and going, talking to guys in the ear and convincing them off. Hit me if am wrong, but I estimate that my mates spent altogether around Lm 125 and we were 8, two of which, me and another did not bother.

My reason: you cannot touch, you cannot feel them, you cannot see it. She moves on you to make you crazy and to want more, so then another song passes... Guys guys there is the real thing.

And since you are actually doing nothing apart from getting horny and sweaty, does this qualify as an act of infedelity?

1 comment:

born_to_try said...

It is an act of infidelity because it doesn’t have to be something physical to qualify as an act of disloyalty. Infidelity is a breach of trust, be it physical or mental/emotional.