Wednesday 13 September 2006

We've got rain!!

Finally, I must say, we have got rain! Yesterday was a hell of day, rain did not stop falling and thunder and lightning could be heard/seen almost continuously. Just to give you a picture the Met Office reported that in the between noon today and noon yesterday was 23.4mm.

I love rain. I love the smell it leaves behind. I love the fear it instills in people wandering in an petrol-fuelled car, the fear in people leaving close to known 'rivers'. Yes, rain, it wakes up a dried country after a scorching summer, giving life to seeds buried in the ground, waiting to sprout up. The time of the year I love most is on our doorstep, and that is October and November, when the air is still warm to go around in T-shirts, the grass is green and the odours are fresh.

Rain => Life => Happiness

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