Thursday 7 December 2006

Ages ago

I have blogged for ages now, almost a month. Not that nothing has occured to me, but I am running out of one thing for sure, and that is time.

Never in my life have I felt time fly so fast, too fast actually. I realise this mostly when weekends approach 'every other day'. Worse still is take weekend are not what they used to be, mainly because of the MIRM. Yep, MIRM has taken much time out of my life, too much sometimes I feel. It is also my fault since I spend ages doing assignments, and because of that I hardly have any time to do anything else, may it be reading, taking a stroll, play some PC game or else. And yes, unfortunately my physical activities have come to halt. The only physical activities I do, apart from sitting on my ass for 8 or more hours a day is climbing up the steps to work - most people say that is stress.

Well there you go, I have lost it again, lost my thoughts.


born_to_try said...

C'mon...there's another physical activity which you take part in and you know very well what that is :P

(mhemmx bzonn tibbuplikah dan il-kumment imma ma flahtx ma najdilekx hehe)

WhiteShadow said...

I know about that... ;-)